Lu Lab News

Happy New Year! Warm Greetings from Lu Lab

Having fun at ASGSR meeting in Puerto Rico. Erika delivered a fantastic talk.

Lu Lab has been awarded a NASA Human Research Program (HRP) grant to investigate the health risks associated with human missions to Mars and to develop effective countermeasures.
NASA selection news:

2024 Summer Research at Lu Lab

Lu Lab has been awarded an NINDS R56 grant to study long COVID and dementia! Thank you, NIH!

Erika received a NASA EPSCoR RAP grant! Congratulations!

Lu Lab students and alumni recognized at Graduate Research Day 2024! Madison was invited back to give a career talk, and Clifton took home first place award in the senior graduate student category. Our lab has won this award for three consecutive years!

Tyler received a NASA LaSPACE Graduate Student Fellowship. Congratulations!

Farewell party and countless fun memories, Mychal—you'll always have a home here.

Congratulations, Dr. Mychal Grames! Today, Mychal successfully defended his PhD thesis. He will be starting a postdoctoral position at Northwestern.

Dr. Lu chaired a nanosymposium on COVID-19 and Brain Disorders at SFN 2023, where Jessis Li gave a talk.

Dr. Lu was invited to give a plenary talk at the 2023 International Society for Transgenic Technologies meeting.

Mychal and Xinli won awards at the Society of Toxicology meeting in 2023. Mychal received the Graduate Student Achievement Award and a Travel Award, while Xinli earned the Best Paper Award. Congratulations

Congratulations to the students from the Lu Lab for their success at Graduate Research Day 2022! Mychal secured first place in the senior graduate student category, and Clifton earned second place in the junior graduate student category.

Our manuscript has been accepted by Science Advances!

Erika is working at NASA Space Radiation Facility in Brookhaven National Laboratory

Clifton gave a talk at ASGSR 2022

We are linking immune function to social behavior in a recently funded $10 million National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) P20 center grant!

Postdoctoral poster presentation winner at Graduate Research Day

Mychal gave a talk at Fall Welcome Day of graduate school!

Louisiana State Science and Engineering Fair

Two coronavirus research grants were awarded to Lu lab to develop a novel animal model for COVID19 research!

Lu lab received a Space Biology Award from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to determine health risk to astronaut's brain en route to Mars !

Lu lab is unraveling pathogenic role of environmental toxicants in Parkinson disease funded by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)!

Congratulations, Dr. El-Saddi!

Lu lab was featured in a Louisiana Public Broadcasting TV-series

Lu Lab in news: Gene editing rids mice of DNA segment linked to autism

Dr. Lu's SFN talk was interviewed and reported in news

Lu lab reunion at SFN meeting, Chicago, 2019!

Xinli's study was selected a Hot Topic at Society for Neuroscience meeting at Chicago.

Madison won the first-place platform presentation award at the south central chapter of the society toxicology meeting

Madison gave a talk and won award at the Research and Industry Day (RAID)

Lu lab' new discovery was selected as hot topic at Society for Neuroscience meeting, Chicago, 2019

Dr. Lu was invited to speak and co-chair a symposium at Molecular Psychiatry Association meeting, San Francisco, 2019

Madison and Xinli's genome editing study was selected for SfN Nanosymposium talk.

Congratulations, Dr. Adam Richard!

Our manuscipt has been accepted to Molecular Psychiatry-Nature and will be featured in cover!

Lu lab's genome editing study draw attention at Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology at Victoria, British Columbia Canada

Madison's presentation draw a crowd at Society for Neuroscience meeting at Chicago

Madison 's TED talk won award at the graduate research day

Madison received prestigous Ike Muslow fellowship!

SciComm Live! Dr. Lu was invited by Science Matters-Shreveport to discuss Gene-Edited Babies

Industry day talk and poster winner by Adam Richard

March For Science!

Platform presentatation at 2016 South Central Chapter of the Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting

Award winner for Junior Science & Humanities Symposium and State Science and Engineering Fair

Adam Received Ike Muslow Fellowship

Madison presented his research at SFN meeting

Dynamic presentation at Society for Neuroscience meeting

Community Outreach-Sci-Port Day